Mike Bird
Photo courtesy of Mike Bird

Bone Broth

Our friend here looks as he if he could do with a cup or two of our award winning Bone Broth.

Is that a gastrointestinal problem we can spot Super Mario? You appear to be slightly bloated!

Never mind Love Taste to the rescue (cue some random super hero theme tune) with a cup of steaming, moreish chicken or beef broth.

Slow down Mario!

Do not gulp it down in one!

Instead take the time to appreciate the wave of nostalgia that embodies you as you sip our golden elixir, as childhood memories are conjured up of mama’s home cooked goodness.

Stave away hunger pains that will refrain your mid-section from looking so……erm….robust! It might be a good time to point out that this is low in calories, fats and carbs.

Benefits of Bone Broth

Amazing Health Benefits of Bone Broth – not just for Mario’s benefit:

  • Boosts immunity
  • Alleviates the common cold
  • Fights inflammation
  • Strengthens bones and teeth
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Improves hydration
  • Builds muscle
  • Improves moods
  • Healthier nails and hair
  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-tumour
  • Can improve sleep
  • Normalizes stomach acid

Mario may I go even further and suggest a 7 day Bone Broth Detox – though you should speak to your GP before embarking on any diets.

The Mushroom Kingdom awaits your return. Go leap and bound as you have never done before – now that your joint pain ceases to exist…..after all you are no spring chicken…..

Super Mario (unfortunately for us) has in no way endorsed this product or Love Taste Co.


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