Frozen – Let it Go

The Fight for Fitness and Nutrition

We like debate. In fact, when it comes to health and nutrition we think it’s absolutely vital to talk candidly about what’s good and what’s not.

Of course, a lot of that is subject to opinion – one guru’s cure is another guru’s poison – but there are a couple of things that are inarguable fact which have become bedrocks for us at the Love Taste Co.


Freezer Fresh

Not only do we pick the best fruit and vegetables available, we freeze them instantly – locking in the beneficial vitamins and nutrients so that when you pop our sachets into your blender you know you’re getting the best health kick imaginable.

Fresh v Frozen

There will always be a fresh v frozen debate, yet leading independent studies have found that frozen fruit and vegetables can be healthier, with higher levels of vitamins and cancer fighting antioxidants, than leafy ‘fresh’ produce.

In two out of three cases frozen fruit and vegetables scored better on antioxidant-type compounds – including Vitamin C, polyphenols, anthocyanins, lutein and beta-carotene.

Consumption of these anti-oxidant compounds is considered beneficial in preventing cancer and supporting the working of the body, brain, skin and eyes.

Now we’e not saying that just-picked-fresh is bad for you. Not at all. It’s just that most of us, unless you’re growing your own, aren’t able to buy that. You see, supermarkets have become masters of theatre; that fine mist spray giving that ‘just picked’ look when the reality is that most of the produce has been sitting in storage for weeks.

Over time, the fruit and veg gradually deteriorates, inevitably losing some of the nutrients associated with leafy greens and fruit.

By contrast, vegetables and fruit sold in the frozen cabinets are frozen immediately after harvest and so retain higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants until they are eaten.

Two teams, one from Leatherhead Food Research and another from the University of Chester, carried out 40 tests to measure nutrient levels in produce which had been sitting in a fridge for three days versus the frozen equivalent.

Leatherhead’s Dr Rachel Burch, said: ‘We must disregard the mistaken opinion that ‘fresh’ food is always better for us than frozen food.

‘These results demonstrate that frozen can be nutritionally comparable to ‘fresh’ produce.’

Convenience is Key

This isn’t all about health and taste though. Our frozen sachets of fruit and vegetables offer consumers the chance to create all manner of great recipes and snacks.

Importantly, the fact it’s frozen gives you a big tick in the convenience box. You may start with good intentions at the beginning of the week but how many of our fruit bowls become tired and sad by the weekend? A lot. And it’s not likely to inspire you to make something, is it. Our frozen sachets are always on hand – whether at home or in a cafe – enabling you to have great quality fruit and veg each and every day of the week.

We think that’s something to shout about.


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