Health Xmas Drinks

So – it’s almost Christmas! We’re starting to abandon the gym, hit the town for those office parties and tuck into some cheeky mince pies.

Not Particularly Healthy

There’s no denying that Christmas is not exactly the healthiest time of year. The combination of alcohol fuelled parties, office chocs, tempting buffet tables and, for some us, the stress of spending time with tricky family members can mean the festive season takes a toll on our physical and mental wellbeing.

But You Want Stay Healthy?

So – how can we enjoy ourselves and still stay healthy? After all, we want to start the New Year feeling fresh and positive not stressed, run down and bloated.

Our Top Health Christmas Drinks and Tips

We’ve put together a few top tips to help you power through the party season!

  • Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast! We tend to eat less fruit over Xmas so use breakfast to get your daily dose of vitamin C. And no – Bucks Fizz doesn’t count! Try blitzing up one of our Breakfast Smoothies – a super tasty and nutrient rich blend of gluten-free oats, berries, banana and flax seed! Yum!
  • Stay hydrated! Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the festive season. This will help you to detox from those sausage rolls. If you’re on a night out drinking water throughout the night will reduce the hangover from all that Prosecco and punch.
  • Get enough sleep! It’s easy to get run down over the party season so ensure you keep your immune system boosted with plenty of shut eye. Go easy on the gingerbread lattes too so you don’t overdo the caffeine.
  • Pace yourself! Be selective about accepting all those social invites, prioritise some ‘me time’ and have a few nights off from partying. Don’t feel pressurised to party if you don’t want to.
  • Get outside EVERY day – even if it is just for 20 minutes – not only will you get fresh air in your lungs and top up on vitamin D but a jog in the park is also a great excuse to get away from those annoying relatives!
  • It’s easy to let the exercise regime go over Xmas but set aside a bit of time each day for exercise – whether it is yoga in your bedroom or a brisk stroll this will help you digestion and energy levels. 15 minutes is better than zero!
  • Don’t pile your plate too high! It’s so easy to stuff ourselves especially if someone else is dishing up. Ask for a regular sized portion and then wait for 20 minutes before deciding if you want a second helping.
  • Drink smoothies! No-one wants to fast or skip meals over Xmas but if you feel you’ve indulged a bit too much why not replace a meal or two with a Love Smoothie? Our Detox Zing is a great way to tank up on fruit and vegetables as well as immune-boosting ginger. Broccoli & The Beast and Kale Kick are both yummy ways to get your greens – if Brussel sprouts aren’t your thing! You can find our smoothies on Ocado at
  • And above all – relax and enjoy yourself!

Wishing you a very Merry Xmas from all of us!

Love Taste team x


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