Love Taste Company at Taste of London

Taste of London

What better way to spend a Friday with the team than a hot summer’s day at Taste of London? Starting the day in the Laurent Perrier tent with plenty of bubbles, planning our route through the maze of little pop-up restaurants.
Taste of London


We began at Little Josẻ with squid ink croquetas and sliced-to-order Iberico ham and Yosma for a round of barbequed lamb chops and king prawns- completely delicious!
Iberico ham

Time for a Gin

A gin and tonic pit stop and it was soon time for round 2, The Cinnamon Club and my all-time favourite- octopus! Tandoori spiced with chutney and pickled fennel- WOW! Next was the dish of the day, grilled wagyu beef skewers- melt in the mouth chargrilled yumminess! We hopped between the tents, stopping for Bellini’s and Monkey shoulder cocktails (plus a picture or two!)
Time for a Gin


Next up, a round of mini Bubbledogs hotdogs, I mean who could say no to a Smoked beef frankfurter, steamed roll, truffled mac & cheese, truffle, bacon crumb! We rounded off our incredible day with an array of decadent French macarons from the one and only Pierre Hermẻ and the perfect accompaniment, more bubbles!
Bubbledogs hotdogs
A glorious Friday afternoon in the sun, a foodies paradise, can’t wait for next year!
Love Taste Co. x

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